قصص الانبياء للأطفال بالإنجليزي مترجمة بدون نت
قصص الانبياء للأطفال بالإنجليزية هي أكثر القصص التي يحب الجميع قراءتها بسبب ما تحتوي عليه من مواعظ ومن خلال موقع منصتك سوف نطرح لكم بعض القصص الخاصة بالأنبياء بطريقة مختصرة باللغة الإنجليزية لتزيد من إتقان أطفالنا لتلك اللغة التي أصحت شائعة في هذا الوقت.
قصة سليمان عليه السلام
The story of God’s Prophet Solomon, peace be upon him, who inherited prophecy and kingship from his father David, and gave God the ability to understand the language of birds and communicate with them.
God is the God of everything, whether of numbers, machines, soldiers, armies, groups of jinn, humans, birds, beasts, and rampaging devils.
He also gave him sciences, understandings, and the expression of the consciences of creatures, both speaking and silent
اقرأ أيضًا: اسئلة عن الانبياء اسئلة واجوبة صعبة عن الأنبياء للكبار والصغار
قصة لوط عليه السلام
Our Master Lot, peace be upon him, is the nephew of our Master Ibrahim, peace be upon him. He accompanied him on his mission and migrated with him to the Holy Land and learned many beautiful qualities from him. God sent our Master Lot, peace be upon him, to a village called the village of Sodom.
Where that village is owned by a people of the most immoral and infidel people who passed by all the prophets, so this people were the worst of all, as they were the ones who invented the indecency of homosexuality, and our master Lot, peace be upon him, was doing everything in his power to dissuade this people from their disbelief and perversion.
But they did not respond to the Prophet of God, Lot, peace be upon him, and they aroused hostility toward him and wanted to kill him, but God Almighty destroyed them all with a cry of torment and an abominable rain descending from Hell, as this rain was a poisoned stone made of shale, so calamity descended on the village, its structure exploded, and it turned on its heels.
اقرأ أيضًا: اسماء اولاد نبي اسماء اولاد رسول الله محمد واسماء اولاد الانبياء والرسل
قصّة يونس عليه السلام
The story of the Prophet of God, Yunus bin Matta, peace be upon him, nicknamed Dhul-Nun, who was sent by God to the people of Nineveh from the land of Mosul.
The people of Nineveh lied to the Prophet of God, Jonah, and rebelled against him with their disbelief and stubbornness, so he came out angry from among them and promised them the coming of torment.
But they repented after he left, and God lifted the torment from them and punished Yunus by having him devoured by a whale, then the grief removed from him because he was one of those who praised him.
اقرأ أيضًا: اسئله دينيه واجوبتها اسئله دينيه واجوبتها عن الانبياء سهلة للأطفال
قصة سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
Muhammad bin Abdullah is the last of the prophets on earth. He is a descendant of Abraham and Ishmael; peace be upon them. God sent him to all people in every place and time.
God revealed the Qur’an to him and preserved it for humanity from loss. He brought a tolerant and easy law that purifies the doctrine of faith from polytheism and refutes the deviations that Satan spread among humans.
The story of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is known as the “Biography of the Prophet” and is discussed through the following links.
وفي نهاية مقالنا نكون قد طرحنا لكم أروع قصص الأنبياء باللغة الإنجليزية لزيادة الثقافة الأوروبية لديهم ويكونوا متقنين لتلك الثقافة بالإضافة إلى تعليم الأطفال من هم ليسوا متقنين للغة الإنجليزية مواعظ الأنبياء.